In America today, we are beset by a plague of "thinkers" with names like Sanders, Krugman, and so on. These are content to empower the state to rob from Peter to pay Paul. For all their alleged brilliance and "integrity," they are utterly beside themselves when asked to explain why Peter should continue his fishing labours, and they are bewildered to find that Paul remains unhappy with the proceeds of their tent-making subsidies. Rather than contemplate how they might address the source of these problems, they demand with louder voices that the state (and, by extension, themselves) be given more money, authority and means to "help" people. The tragedy of our times is that their cries are heard by several generations of voters so conditioned to view the state as a benevolent, indulgent parent that they willingly cede ever more to the monstrous beast and its parasitic minions.