If one actually reads the founders - Madison, Jefferson, Munroe, Hamilton, etc. - it's pretty easy to see that their intentions were to have the general population fully armed and prepared to resist tyranny, whether it came in the form of an external invasion or a hijacking of the internal political process. There is ample evidence for this in the writings and papers of those involved in drafting the Constitution. These documents are readily available to anyone via a simple trip to any reasonably stocked public library; many of them are available on the Internet. Anyone who claims the founders meant otherwise cannot produce a document that proves their claim, because such a document does not exist, unless perhaps they are citing examples out of consequence, or referring to writing where there was clearly an attempt to withhold the right of gun ownership from a particular class (namely, those of African descent.)
One may argue that the situation is different, but the process for modifying the enumerated rights in the Bill of Rights is to introduce and pass an Amendment, not to rewrite history to support one's arguments.
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